Enterprise Earth: Our opening band for tonight's show is American deathcore outfit, Enterprise Earth, this tour for them is their first time playing anywhere out of the US, and let me tell you they are out to make good first impressions, bringing everything they have to the table. And let me tell you what they brought to the table was nothing short of fantastic; intricate and heavy guitar work, crushing vocals, a massive sound, and ridiculous amount of energy. I am very much looking forward to watching how this band grows from what they currently are, keep an eye on these guys, solid 8/10.
(Photo gallery Link: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Blackboxphotoco/photos/?tab=album&album_id=580974525653863)

Kublai Khan: The next act we had the pleasure of experiencing, hailing out of Sherman, Texas, is the fantastic metalcore\ hardcore four piece, Kublai Khan, a band who you may have seen about in Manchester last year, on the never say die tour with bands such as Lorna Shore, Polaris and Emmure. But the first thing you tend noticed when watching these guys play, is the immense wall of sound that hits you like a brick, a brick that happens to be made up crushing riffs, powerful vocals and intricate drum work. This was a musical set filled with ridiculous amounts aggressive energy, non stop from start to finish (from both crowd and band), but also at the same time, this was a set scattered with positivity and positive messages throughout, this might be wonderful chaotic noise, but at least it is also wonderful chaotic noise with a lot of meaning. Would recommend another, solid 8/10.
(Photo gallery link: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Blackboxphotoco/photos/?tab=album&album_id=580975985653717)

Oceano: Oceano, our second to last act of the night, and just because they're not headlining (defiantly think they would put on an amazing headline show at this point in their musical careers though) doesn't mean they are not going to give all their energy plus another ten. These guys easily had one of the biggest, loudest and heaviest sounds of the night. Adam Warren is quite probably, currently one of thee best live vocalists I have ever heard. It literally feels like you are in the presence of an a demonic entity, he is as well as also easily being one of the best live frontmen I feel I've ever seen at show, he has an excellent way with crowds and audiences, always knows exactly what to say to get people hyped and excited. As deathcore bands go these guys are very easily amongst the best of them all. Probably my favourite of the night 9/10.
(Photo gallery link: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Blackboxphotoco/photos/?tab=album&album_id=580977272320255)

Chelsea Grin: Finally our headliner Chelsea Grin, and just get this out in the open, I myself have never being a huge fan, so I was a little sceptical about whether I would have enjoyed this or not, so I'll tell you what I wasn't expecting, I wasn't expecting that I would be absolutely blown away by the performance I happened to witness. Was just the absolute insane amount of energy that happened to be going on in the room, from the incredible talent of the band members themselves with their immense shared vocal work and mesmerising guitar work to the endless amounts of stage divers, constant pits and general positive vibes. It is great to see how much a band as grown over the years, and with current new sound they are going for and how much it seems to be working for them, I couldn't recommend a good enough time to start getting into Chelsea Grin. 9/10.
(Photo gallery link: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Blackboxphotoco/photos/?tab=album&album_id=580978508986798)
