Our first act of the night, was the local metalcore outfit, The Mechanist, and just because they were the opening act didn’t stop them from been one of the most outstanding acts of the night, offering up an array of intricate and aggressive guitar work and a top tier range of vocal work all across the spectrum.
This was backed up by an incredibly tight, well rounded and energetic performance, this clearly paid of because they had a great reception from the audience as well.
(full photo album)

The Uncharted were up next, they only had a short time on stage, but they clearly came with the intentions of doing as much as they could with that time.
Despite the audience overall not been too receptive of them to start off with, they made the best of it and gave us just one of the most energetic performances, this was especially one you would not usually expect from a supporting act.
And along with some absolutely solid musicianship from the instrumental members and great dynamics between the two vocalists made for an interesting and exciting set.
(full photo album)

The main support on this tour has been The City Is Ours, and from what we saw from this their set at this show, it seems like that position was very well earned, and will probably continue to earn if they keep going the way they.
There was very few aspect about their performance that I didn’t like, they put a lot into their set and it was very hard to miss that they did.
Everyone on stage had a great appear to have a great dynamic with each other, and it felt like each of their individual parts stood out immensely.
(full photo album)

And finally Our Hollow, Our Home, our headliners, and from the kind of performance they gave us from this night, you can very clearly see why they were our headliners.
The first thought that took hold, was that I couldn’t get over how massive they made such a small venue sound, there was lots of the energy from both, the audience and the band, and it was incredibly noticeable, whatever they are doing, they’re clearly doing it well.
Overall I think was the chemistry between the band members and the great musicianship that each of them displayed is the glue the all these different aspect together for me.
(full photo album)
