Heading in the direction of an increasingly popular 80s revival sound that bands like The 1975 and Blossoms have been displaying recently, The Sunday Sadness call their sound “dark pop" - it’s understandable when the synths and steadily-paced beat are paired with Mattieu Kirby’s angsty vocals. Damn I Hate It delivers a funky guitar riff by Chris Laurent that gives a more upbeat sound out of the several songs on the EP. The Hunger also being notably different as Kirby’s vocals are covered over the instruments on each chorus, making for a more hazy approach later on.
The synths start to get slightly repetitive to listen to until The Wrong Way and Sad Songs at the end. Both have rap styles which break up the rest of the tone throughout, acting as sort of a palette cleanser to display the hip-hop influences they’ve established. Overall, dreamy, electronic beats paired with generic pop punk style vocals that mix surprisingly well with the injection of synths. For a self-produced EP, The Sunday Sadness show a lot of potential with a sound that’s going in the right direction for mainstream pop.